We at Right Shed value the individual. We recognise the rights and choices of our customers, employees and the community. We encourage teamwork and support diversity within the team. Our staff is trained with a person-centred approach and endeavours to provide you excellent service. We deliver care and support services that allow NDIS participants to have more choice and control over their lives and become independent.

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Our Values, Vision
& Mission

Right Shed is a registered NDIS provider. We believe in putting people first and improve their lives, hence we assist people with disability to achieve their goals and have greater independence with improved wellbeing. We are a Registered NDIS provider assisting NDIS participants with personal care, domestic assistance, community participation, home maintenance, transport services, support coordination, and more.

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Make an Enquiry

Right Shed are here to support and help you live life on your terms.  No matter what your level or type of disability, we’ll help you achieve your dreams and goals.  If you are new to the NDIS and want some help to make sense of your funding, or if you’re an existing NDIS participant and want to try something new, we’d love to hear from you so please get in touch.
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